fotobytes: Bridges
fotobytes: First Suspension bridge
fotobytes: Suspension cables
fotobytes: First Suspension bridge
fotobytes: Bridge cables
fotobytes: Row of Plane trees (Sycamore)
fotobytes: Statue - Marc Seguin
fotobytes: Protestant Church
fotobytes: Lycée Polyvalent Gabriel Faure (Comprehensive School)
fotobytes: Rue Gabriel Faure
fotobytes: Car reflections
fotobytes: Car reflections
fotobytes: Grande Rue
fotobytes: Rue du 14 Juillet
fotobytes: Boucherie de la Voute - Grande Rue
fotobytes: Virgin Mary statue on one of two remaining towers
fotobytes: Turret / Tower
fotobytes: Ornate hinge
fotobytes: Barrel in street
fotobytes: Trompe l'Oeil - Rue Philippe Theolier
fotobytes: Chocolaterie
fotobytes: Église Saint-Julien
fotobytes: Rue des Ilôts