fotobytes: Gibraltar in distance
fotobytes: Spanish dockyards
fotobytes: Gibraltar at night
fotobytes: Moorish Castle
fotobytes: Africa Coast
fotobytes: Lighthouse
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Theatre - Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Upper St. Michael's Caves
fotobytes: Taking a photo of the monkeys
fotobytes: Barbary Macaque, Bay in background
fotobytes: Barbary Macaque on van roof
fotobytes: Family of Barbary Macaques
fotobytes: Barbary Macaques
fotobytes: Barbary Macaques
fotobytes: Yellow-legged gull
fotobytes: Healey's Mortar
fotobytes: Bay of Algeciras
fotobytes: Canon overlooking Bay
fotobytes: Moorish castle, Gibraltar apartments, Bay, and Spain
fotobytes: Glass Blowing Exhibition - Casemates Square
fotobytes: Casemates Square
fotobytes: Casemates Square
fotobytes: John Mackintosh Square