fotobytes: Swinging the bridge
fotobytes: Kilmarnock - south gate & lockhouse
fotobytes: Kilmarnock - swing bridge
fotobytes: Swing bridge looking north east
fotobytes: Opening north gate
fotobytes: Entering lock from north
fotobytes: Boat in lock - lockhouse and swing bridge
fotobytes: Opening south gate
fotobytes: Leaving lock heading towards Kingston
fotobytes: View from north
fotobytes: Kilmarnock - north gate
fotobytes: Flowers & grass beside canal
fotobytes: Wharfs
fotobytes: Bulrushes
fotobytes: Looking north
fotobytes: Looking south
fotobytes: Picnic table
fotobytes: Bulrushes & flowers
fotobytes: Weir - lock & lockhouse in distance
fotobytes: Weir
fotobytes: Weir gears
fotobytes: Weir shaft
fotobytes: Weir wheel
fotobytes: Kilmarnock Lock