Image of the mind: 5000 Years And Counting
Image of the mind: Opalin Restaurant
Image of the mind: the sight of silence
Image of the mind: ballet & mosaic
Image of the mind: under the Arc
Image of the mind: Belvedere Palace
Image of the mind: squeeeeeez!
Image of the mind: Damascus sprouting in the distance
Image of the mind: cactus flowers - a rare sight
Image of the mind: it never ends
Image of the mind: everything changes
Image of the mind: avant-garde
Image of the mind: Iranian Embassy in Damascus at elections time
Image of the mind: for ladies in Red.
Image of the mind: The Basilica of San Zeno Maggiore, Verona, Italy
Image of the mind: White Church by The Sea
Image of the mind: more explosion of colour
Image of the mind: Cham Palace Hotel in Damascus
Image of the mind: the good life
Image of the mind: Jazzzzzzzzzzy
Image of the mind: Hey there :-)
Image of the mind: Kinross House Gardens
Image of the mind: stolen blue
Image of the mind: copied colours
Image of the mind: strong feelings
Image of the mind: imprint of gratitude
Image of the mind: if at first you don't succeed...