F!l!pe: Somewhere - Algures
F!l!pe: Dusk - Crepúsculo
F!l!pe: Misty town - Cidade nebulosa
F!l!pe: Filaments and white petals - Filamentos e pétalas brancas.
F!l!pe: Last summer rains...
F!l!pe: Weeping cashew nut tree. - Cajueiro lacrimejando.
F!l!pe: Aerodynamics - Aerodinâmica.
F!l!pe: Yummi, yummi..........
F!l!pe: A big scoop *** [Explore]
F!l!pe: Sunflower
F!l!pe: Sunflower
F!l!pe: The vibrant & the dry
F!l!pe: Hibiscus - Hibisco
F!l!pe: Very tiny flower - Flor muito pequenina
F!l!pe: Desert landscape - Paisagem desértica
F!l!pe: Namibe hamlet - Lugarejo no Namibe
F!l!pe: Roadside stop - Paragem na estrada
F!l!pe: Pearl Rose has blossomed *** [Explore]
F!l!pe: The Farmer came into town in his truck.
F!l!pe: Pearl Rose opening up - Rosa pérola a abrir.
F!l!pe: Pearl Rose opening beautifully - Rosa pérola a abrir lindamente.
F!l!pe: And growing and opening - A abrir e a crescer.
F!l!pe: The Pearl Rose keeps on growing - A rosa pérola continua a crescer.
F!l!pe: Pearl Rose - Rosa Pérola.
F!l!pe: Baby bananas - Bananas bébés.
F!l!pe: Rhino hiding behind the grass :-)
F!l!pe: Early breakfast
F!l!pe: Early morning.
F!l!pe: B&W
F!l!pe: B&W