F!l!pe: The Abbey - A Abadia
F!l!pe: Arches - Arcos
F!l!pe: Melk Abbey
F!l!pe: Covadonga Sanctuary
F!l!pe: The dome.
F!l!pe: Santa Maria Magdalena in Olivença - Central dome / Abóbada central
F!l!pe: Santa Maria Magdalena in Olivença - Altar
F!l!pe: Santa Maria Magdalena in Olivença
F!l!pe: S.Sebastião Chapel
F!l!pe: Ceiling Mother Church - Teto da Igreja Matriz. *** [Explore]
F!l!pe: Ceiling Mother Church - Teto da Igreja Matriz
F!l!pe: Mother Church - Igreja Matriz
F!l!pe: Mother Church - Igreja Matriz
F!l!pe: St. Michael Archangel - São Miguel Arcanjo
F!l!pe: Under siege by tourists and causeway construction workers - Sitiado por turistas e trabalhadores na construção do acesso.
F!l!pe: Little church by the baobab trees - Igrejinha junto aos imbondeiros (baobá)