F!l!pe: Mango tree framed by Hotel balconies - Mangueira emoldurada por varandas do Hotel.
F!l!pe: Furnas
F!l!pe: Very tiny flower - Flor muito pequenina
F!l!pe: Yellow landscape - Paisagem amarela
F!l!pe: Country road - Estrada rural
F!l!pe: Desert landscape - Paisagem desértica
F!l!pe: Wolf's leap - Pulo do Lobo *** [Explore]
F!l!pe: Wooded island at the lake with a foggy sunrise - Ilhota arborizada com nevoeiro ao nascer do sol.
F!l!pe: Flower in flooded lake at sunrise
F!l!pe: Yellow leaves - Folhas amarelas
F!l!pe: Sunrise in the park - Nascer do sol no parque
F!l!pe: Pearl Rose - Rosa Pérola.
F!l!pe: Sunrise through the clouds - Nascer do sol através das nuvens.
F!l!pe: The sun is rising.
F!l!pe: Orchids - Orquídeas
F!l!pe: Hibiscus - Hibisco
F!l!pe: Tools
F!l!pe: Crystallized core
F!l!pe: The cove
F!l!pe: Misty sunrise - Nascer do sol brumoso. ***[Explore]
F!l!pe: Yummi, yummi..........
F!l!pe: Where is the road leading to?
F!l!pe: Daybreak / Raiar do dia
F!l!pe: Ploumanac'h Lighthouse - Farol de Ploumanac'h
F!l!pe: Pietá
F!l!pe: "A tale of two bridges" - "Um conto de duas pontes"
F!l!pe: "The Tank"
F!l!pe: "Les Galoches" Shoe Shop - Sapataria "Les Galoches"
F!l!pe: The Abbey - A Abadia
F!l!pe: Under siege by tourists and causeway construction workers - Sitiado por turistas e trabalhadores na construção do acesso.