fotisvr: The Scrolls of the Dead Sea #2
fotisvr: The Scrolls of the Dead Sea #1
fotisvr: Artifacts
fotisvr: Entering the Dome
fotisvr: The Dome of the Scrolls of the Dead Sea
fotisvr: Waiting in the rain...
fotisvr: Ancient Jerusalem
fotisvr: The Dome detail
fotisvr: The Black Wall
fotisvr: Train bridge, Jerusalem
fotisvr: Damascus Gate
fotisvr: Damascus Gate, detail
fotisvr: Under the Damascus Gate
fotisvr: Nuts and cigarettes
fotisvr: Honey
fotisvr: Art, Israel Museum
fotisvr: Old Arab man
fotisvr: Muslim sector
fotisvr: In a hurry...
fotisvr: Via Dolorosa - 3rd Station
fotisvr: Το Πραιτωριον - The Prison of Christ
fotisvr: Entrance detail
fotisvr: Via Dolorosa #2
fotisvr: Ascent
fotisvr: Knock, knock...
fotisvr: Carrying the Cross
fotisvr: Carrying the Cross
fotisvr: Pilatus' Tribunal
fotisvr: Dome detail
fotisvr: Clothes