fotisvr: Los indignados in Athens!!!...over a month on Syntagma Sq.
fotisvr: The priest at the front line
fotisvr: zzzzzzz
fotisvr: Skandale
fotisvr: I am soooo tired!!!
fotisvr: The open palm - Μουτζα
fotisvr: Schluss jetzt...
fotisvr: "I am also a thief, let me also in the Parliament"
fotisvr: Knocking on pots!!!
fotisvr: The "open palm"...
fotisvr: Through the barricade!
fotisvr: Monument of the Unknown Soldier
fotisvr: Police
fotisvr: At the front line...
fotisvr: Tambourine woman
fotisvr: Demonstrating