fostinum: The Running Lion Tamer, 1886, by Étienne-Jules Marey
fostinum: Man with Hammer, ca. 1894, by Étienne-Jules Marey
fostinum: Pete Desjardin Diving, ca. 1940, by Harold Edgerton
fostinum: Making a Pinscreen Animation (Alexandre Alexeieff and Claire Parker), Paris, 1946, by André Kertész
fostinum: Dancer Multi-exposure, 1951, by Robert Doisneau
fostinum: Photograph for Men's Underwear Advertisement, ca. 1960, by Reinhart Wolf
fostinum: Invitation to the Scientia Conference Banquet, 1901, by Étienne-Jules Marey and Louis Poyet
fostinum: Danzatrice Fotodinamica Futurista (Futurist Photodynamic Dancer), ca. 1911 - 1913, by Anton Giulio Bragaglia
fostinum: Lo Schiaffo (The Slap), ca. 1911 - 1913, by Anton Giulio Bragaglia
fostinum: Wes Fesler Kicking a Football, 1934, by Harold Edgerton
fostinum: Milk Drop Series, ca. 1937, by Harold Edgerton
fostinum: Fotodinamica Futurista (Futurist Photodynamic), ca. 1930, by Arturo Bragaglia
fostinum: Veduta aerea dinamizzata del Foro Romano (Dynamized Aerial View of the Roman Forum), ca. 1930, by Filippo Masero
fostinum: Il Pittore Francesco Trombadori (The Painter Francesco Trombadori), ca. 1911 - 1913, by Anton Giulio Bragaglia
fostinum: Ritratto Fotodinamico di A.G. Bragaglia (Photodynamic Portrait of A.G. Bragaglia), 1912 / 1913, by Gustavo Bonaventura
fostinum: Untitled (Sprinter), After 1893, by Étienne-Jules Marey and Georges Demenÿ
fostinum: Study in Motion by Chronophotography, 1890, by Étienne-Jules Marey
fostinum: Portrait of Marey in His Laboratory, ca. 1895, by Étienne-Jules Marey
fostinum: Animal Locomotion, Plate 310 (Male Nude Throwing Shot Put), 1884 - 1887, by Eadweard Muybridge
fostinum: Animal Locomotion, Plate 289 (Male Nude Throwing Cricket Ball), 1884 - 1887, by Eadweard Muybridge
fostinum: Animal Locomotion, Plate 375 (Male Nude Blacksmiths at the Anvil), 1884 - 1887, by Eadweard Muybridge
fostinum: Animal Locomotion, Plate 29 (Male Nude Carrying Water Buckets), 1884 - 1887, by Eadweard Muybridge
fostinum: Animal Locomotion, Plate 282 (Male Nude Throwing a Ball), 1884 - 1887, by Eadweard Muybridge
fostinum: Il Bacio (The Kiss), ca. 1930, by Anton Giulio Bragaglia
fostinum: L'uomo che cammina (The Walking Man), ca. 1911 - 1913, by Anton Giulio Bragaglia
fostinum: Golf Swing, 1939, by Harold Edgerton
fostinum: Dattilografa, Fotodinamica futurista (Typing, Futurist Photodynamic), ca. 1911 - 1913, by Anton Giulio Bragaglia
fostinum: Scrutando, Fotodinamica futurista (Peering Woman, Futurist Photodynamic), ca. 1911 - 1913, by Anton Giulio Bragaglia