fostinum: Member of the M'Kikuyu Tribe, Kenya, ca. 1910, by an Anonymous Photographer
fostinum: Peasant man, ca. 1870, by Maison Prod'hom
fostinum: Negresse du Soudan (Sudanese Woman), ca. 1870, by Jean Geiser
fostinum: Temple Ruins, Egypt, 1857, by Francis Frith
fostinum: Mendiants, Caire (Beggars, Cairo), ca. 1865, by Hippolyte Delié
fostinum: Two women with a mortar and pestle, ca. 1880, by Louis Hostalier and Félix-Blaise Bonnevide
fostinum: Warrior, Senegal, ca. 1880, by Louis Hostalier and Félix-Blaise Bonnevide
fostinum: Father and Son Portrait (in Cape Coast, now Ghana), ca. 1900, by an Unidentified Photographer
fostinum: Interieur de la Mosquee Mehmet Ali, Caire (The Interior of the Mehmet Ali Mosque, Cairo), 1870's, by Hippolyte Arnoux
fostinum: Snake Charmer, ca. 1865, by Hippolyte Delié
fostinum: Woman with a Hookah, 1870's, by Hippolyte Arnoux
fostinum: Barbier maure (Moorish Barber), ca. 1870, by Jean Geiser
fostinum: Le Peluquier Arabe (The Arab Haircutter), ca. 1870, by Maison Prod'hom
fostinum: Barbier (Barber), ca. 1860, by Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
fostinum: Irrigation Wheel, ca. 1870, by Zangaki Brothers
fostinum: Untitled (Portrait of a Man in Leisure Attire), 1870's, by Eugène Jacquet
fostinum: Porteuses d'Eau (Water Carriers), 1870's, by Hippolyte Arnoux
fostinum: Soldats Soudaniens (Sudanese Soldiers), 1870's, by Hippolyte Arnoux
fostinum: Femme Portant son Enfant (Woman Carrying her Child), 1863, by Wilhelm Hammerschmidt
fostinum: Mauresque Femme de Ville (A Moorish City Woman), ca. 1870, by Louis (Luigi) de Michele (attributed)
fostinum: Untitled (Man with Camel and Child), ca. 1870, by Hippolyte Arnoux
fostinum: Synagogue arabe (Implorant Dieu) (Arab Synagogue (Imploring God)), ca, 1870, by Maison Prod'hom
fostinum: Wyinta & Sobere, ca. 1900, by Jonathan Adagogo Green
fostinum: Chief's Play, ca. 1900, by Jonathan Adagogo Green
fostinum: Okirika Girls Wedding Dress, ca. 1900, by Jonathan Adagogo Green
fostinum: Native Girl Making Cloth, ca. 1900, by Jonathan Adagogo Green
fostinum: Blacksmiths, ca. 1900, by Jonathan Adagogo Green
fostinum: Grinding Coffee (?), ca. 1865, by Hippolyte Delié
fostinum: Drinking Kaffir Beer, Southern Africa, 1890's, by an Anonymous African (?) Photographer
fostinum: Trick Travel Photo of Man as a Mummified Egyptian Sarcophagus, ca. 1870 - 1890, by an Anonymous Photographer in Egypt (?)