fostinum: Merchant (Poultry seller?), ca. 1870, by Albert Felisch
fostinum: Postcard for the Spartakiada, Moscow, 1928, by Gustav Klutsis
fostinum: Mill, 1860's, by William Carrick
fostinum: Religieuse (Nun), 1870's, by William Carrick
fostinum: Types de Caucase, Masseur (Caucasus Types, Masseur), 1880 - 1890, by Dmitri Yermakov
fostinum: Portrait of a man, 1932 - 1933, by Lotte Jacobi
fostinum: Portrait of a man, 1932 - 1933, by Lotte Jacobi
fostinum: Peasant woman, 1860's, by William Carrick
fostinum: Mendiant Russe, 1870 - 1878, by William Carrick
fostinum: Ouvrier Mangeant sa Soupe de Choux (Laborer Eating His Cabbage Soup), 1860's, by William Carrick
fostinum: Feodor Chaliapin as Boris Godunov at the Bolshoi Theatre, ca. 1911, by Karl Andreevich Fisher
fostinum: Kucher (Coach Driver), 1870's, by William Carrick (?)
fostinum: Portrait of Kurt Schwitters, ca. 1924, by El Lissitzky
fostinum: Grande Cloche, Moscou (The Large [Tsar's] Bell, Moscow), 1870's, by B. Avanzo
fostinum: Tzar-pouchka (le tzar des canons) au Kremlin (Tzar-pushka (The tsar of cannons) at the Kremlin), ca. 1870, by J. Daziaro, attr.
fostinum: Photomontage cover for Amerika: Die Stilbildung des neuen Bauens in den Vereinigten Staaten, Neues Bauen in der Welt, 1930, by El Lissitzky
fostinum: Vidy i tipy Manchzhuryi: Kitaiskii tsirulnik (Views and Types of Manchuria: A Chinese Barber), ca. 1900, by Rosenfeld & Schtscholokow
fostinum: Photomontage of Siberian Photographs, ca. 1900, by an Anonymous Russian (?) Photographer
fostinum: Horses and ponies helped clear a wide swath through the Siberian forest for the railroad, 1929 (?), by an Anonymous Russian (?) Photographer
fostinum: Ein Reservoir nach beim Abdampfen -- das Salz ausscheidend -- Salz-Felder, Solinen (A Reservoir after Drying -- the Salt Remaining -- Salt Fields, Solinen), ca. 1910 - 1920, by an Anonymous Russian (?) Photographer for the Keystone View Company
fostinum: Mariinskyi Teatr (The Marinsky Theatre), St. Petersburg, ca. 1872, by Albert Felisch
fostinum: Calvary Camp, Balaklava, Crimean War, 1855 / Printed 1856, by Roger Fenton
fostinum: Church of the Intercession at Fili, Late 19th Century, by an Anonymous Russian (?) Photographer
fostinum: Muzhik with Samovar, 1860's, by William Carrick
fostinum: Portrait of Adr. Evtikhiev, ca. 1880, by Nikolai Porfirovich Mansurov
fostinum: Balakhany fontan, Baku (The Oil Derricks of Balakhany, Baku), ca. 1900, by G. Sh. Sakharyants