foshie: looking towards Slaughden
foshie: Gone fishing
foshie: looking towards Sizewell
foshie: Scallop
foshie: Unloading the catch
foshie: Waiting ....
foshie: Yellow Stingray
foshie: Yellow Stingray
foshie: Not gone fishing !
foshie: A bayful of boats
foshie: Saluting the ships
foshie: Two yachts
foshie: Martello Tower
foshie: Martello Tower
foshie: Seafront houses
foshie: The smallest house I've seen
foshie: Strangers on the shore
foshie: Scallop
foshie: Scallop
foshie: "I hear those voices that will not be drowned"
foshie: Scallop
foshie: Snooks memorial