forzamidt: My beloved TV and Lemontree
forzamidt: Beolab 5 & Beovision 4 ++
forzamidt: Mooning tiger
forzamidt: Stare of the tiger
forzamidt: Guarding
forzamidt: Spooked
forzamidt: Danish summer
forzamidt: Holstebro, water collecting city of the world
forzamidt: Fireworkings
forzamidt: Legoman reaching out for me
forzamidt: Shooting mom
forzamidt: Toyota commercial
forzamidt: Now in colour
forzamidt: Train something
forzamidt: The train enters the curve
forzamidt: Doesn't look good
forzamidt: Train coming your way
forzamidt: In the back you see the station
forzamidt: This way to Bothersomeville
forzamidt: Dangerous tracks
forzamidt: Redclothed table
forzamidt: Yep, still them chalk
forzamidt: Four pieces of chalk again
forzamidt: Autumn approaching
forzamidt: Four chalk pieces
forzamidt: One lonely piece of chalk
forzamidt: Bucket of chalk
forzamidt: Seen and bought
forzamidt: Livemusic mood in the bar
forzamidt: What is it?