fionajonesphotography: "You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by; but some of them are golden only because we let them slip by"
fionajonesphotography: His hair...her face...minutes...this week...that moment...Happy Fence Friday :)
fionajonesphotography: 100 strangers...7/100
fionajonesphotography: 100 strangers 6/100
fionajonesphotography: Cadogan Hall
fionajonesphotography: Looks interesting...
fionajonesphotography: I see you...
fionajonesphotography: Debbie...100 strangers project
fionajonesphotography: Debbie...100 strangers project
fionajonesphotography: Making me smile today...
fionajonesphotography: Snow days...
fionajonesphotography: Under the trees...
fionajonesphotography: From where I stand...
fionajonesphotography: From where I stand
fionajonesphotography: A fence for Friday...
fionajonesphotography: Making me smile today...
fionajonesphotography: Finding peace in the usual places...
fionajonesphotography: A puddle with a heart...
fionajonesphotography: Finding the space between...
fionajonesphotography: "Bend your branches down along the ground and cover me. When the shadows fall, hear me willow and weep for me."
fionajonesphotography: "Don't look so worried"....
fionajonesphotography: Light catcher...
fionajonesphotography: Happy Fence Friday...wishing you a peace filled weekend
fionajonesphotography: The view today...
fionajonesphotography: Walking into spring...
fionajonesphotography: Over my shoulder...
fionajonesphotography: "Go to the winter wood: listen there, look, watch, and "the dead months" will give you a subtler secret than any you have yet found in the forest."
fionajonesphotography: Happy Bench Monday...
fionajonesphotography: "Sometimes even the flight of an angel hits turbulence"