fionajonesphotography: Autumn Light...
fionajonesphotography: Dandelion days...
fionajonesphotography: On the edge...
fionajonesphotography: From where we stand...
fionajonesphotography: Softly comes the spring...
fionajonesphotography: Taking comfort in the beauty
fionajonesphotography: A golden day...
fionajonesphotography: "The lowly dandelion, a refuse in the wildness of scent, shunned by mortals, glorified by the sun, and breathed upon by God."
fionajonesphotography: Grateful 2/30
fionajonesphotography: Moving into the light...
fionajonesphotography: On the table...
fionajonesphotography: Blue all over...
fionajonesphotography: Taking time to twirl...
fionajonesphotography: From where I stand...
fionajonesphotography: Eyelashes...
fionajonesphotography: Winter light...
fionajonesphotography: A perfect day...
fionajonesphotography: Golden days...