Fort Knox, KY:
Katie Scanlan and Mike Farrell _0007
Fort Knox, KY:
Katie is holding a bifacial stone tool recovered from the dirt_0003
Fort Knox, KY:
Katie Scanlan and Mike Farrell _1420
Fort Knox, KY:
Kay Toye and Chris Lankford _0011
Fort Knox, KY:
water pump_1457
Fort Knox, KY:
barn wall2_1450
Fort Knox, KY:
barn wall_1452
Fort Knox, KY:
barn foundations2_1425
Fort Knox, KY:
barn foundations_1435
Fort Knox, KY:
water pumpLong_1456
Fort Knox, KY:
the pritchards and karris_1441
Fort Knox, KY:
Fort Knox, KY:
Jim Pritchard_1469
Fort Knox, KY:
Jim at cistern_1433
Fort Knox, KY:
jim and cistern2_1429
Fort Knox, KY:
jim and cellar_1426
Fort Knox, KY:
gate post_0017
Fort Knox, KY:
christy and karris_1444
Fort Knox, KY:
china fragment-Alfred Meakin_1460
Fort Knox, KY:
bulp plants_1423