planet a.: A Basket of Our Kinds of Vegetables
planet a.: rounds and curls
planet a.: sugar season
planet a.: Coffee Beans Sorted on Table- Santa Cruz de Yagavilla, Oaxaca, Mexico 2007
planet a.: hennesausage
planet a.: yokult madness
planet a.: fava & chokes
planet a.: carbon tomate ready for tonight
planet a.: happy accident! threw some compost on the ground which had leftover kalabasa a couple months ago & now its as tall as me!
planet a.: telephone:::
planet a.: corn tea
planet a.: my most favorite apple #pinkpearl
planet a.: spirits on a midday cup @stephisawake
planet a.: a slice & cup of pureness please @stephisawake
planet a.: a slice & cup of pureness please @stephisawake
planet a.: the loot
planet a.: #gleaning
planet a.: #blacktomatoes
planet a.: #farmersmarket #motherandchild