Vincent_Ting: Beauty of Engineering
Vincent_Ting: 斜張橋
Vincent_Ting: Sunset in Haro Bridge豎琴夕曲
Vincent_Ting: Song of Harp Bridge at night 豎琴夜曲[Explore]
Vincent_Ting: 南方澳漁港
Vincent_Ting: Fireworks and Lover's bridge[Explored]
Vincent_Ting: Taichung Lover's Bridge台中浪漫情人橋
Vincent_Ting: Taichung Lover's Bridge台中浪漫情人橋[On Explore]
Vincent_Ting: Taichung Lover's Bridge台中浪漫情人橋
Vincent_Ting: Taichung Lover's Bridge台中浪漫情人橋
Vincent_Ting: Overview of the heart of Love River at Koashuing
Vincent_Ting: The bridge over Love River-3
Vincent_Ting: Harp Bridge night view
Vincent_Ting: Harp Brigde-2
Vincent_Ting: Bridge over Love River -1 at Kaoshuing --9/9 On Explore and FP
Vincent_Ting: Harp Bridge-1
Vincent_Ting: The Mapping
Vincent_Ting: The beautiful "S" curve~Bridge02(左營翠華橋)
Vincent_Ting: The beautiful curve~Bridge01(左營翠華橋)
Vincent_Ting: The Heart of Love River
Vincent_Ting: The Harp Bridge
Vincent_Ting: On Explore -Bridge over "Love River" at Kaoshiung city, Taiwan
Vincent_Ting: 曲線之美(Beautiful curves
Vincent_Ting: 左營蓮池潭景觀橋(Bridge beside Lotus Park)
Vincent_Ting: 南方澳漁港(Nightview of fishing port)
Vincent_Ting: 美麗的交流道(Beatiful Traffic trail)
Vincent_Ting: 最美的交流道
Vincent_Ting: Phoenix over Harp Bridge
Vincent_Ting: 豎琴夕曲話霞光 Harp Bridge
Vincent_Ting: 香山豎琴橋 Harp Bridge