forgottenslides: "Don't bring around a cloud to rain on my parade."
forgottenslides: He filled her soul with happiness.
forgottenslides: And the rain kept on going through the night.
forgottenslides: And all was lost but not forgotten.
forgottenslides: His songs echoed through the alleyways.
forgottenslides: His father laughed and told him to get back to work.
forgottenslides: They broke through and cherished every moment.
forgottenslides: All the signs pointed them in the right direction.
forgottenslides: Take a seat doll face.
forgottenslides: They locked into eachother with every fiber of their being.
forgottenslides: He loved every colour but green was his favourite.
forgottenslides: The gates stayed open, at all times.
forgottenslides: He always held her tight as she fell asleep.
forgottenslides: She left him feeling empty.