Beth_Kin: A little case moth on dasypogon flower
Beth_Kin: A very small case moth
Beth_Kin: Parasitic wasp investigating a case moth house
Beth_Kin: Case moth Home, genus Lepidoscia.
Beth_Kin: A case moth in his log cabin
Beth_Kin: Higgledy piggledy Case Moth
Beth_Kin: Case moth house decorated with sticks and leaves,
Beth_Kin: A little case moth feeding in a flower
Beth_Kin: Tiny casemoth on orchid dorsal sepal
Beth_Kin: Casemoth
Beth_Kin: Case moth
Beth_Kin: A small bagmoth
Beth_Kin: Cone shaped case moth
Beth_Kin: A Casemoth feeding on a dasypogon flower head
Beth_Kin: Case moth dangling from grasstree frond.
Beth_Kin: Case moth on Dasypogon bromeliifolius
Beth_Kin: A small case moth on a wandoo treetrunk
Beth_Kin: Case moth 4
Beth_Kin: Case moth 3
Beth_Kin: Case moth 2
Beth_Kin: Case moth 1
Beth_Kin: Log cabin type case moth
Beth_Kin: Case moth WOS
Beth_Kin: Case moth Hyalarcta nigrescens
Beth_Kin: Camouflaged Case moth
Beth_Kin: A little casemoth