Beth_Kin: Native bee with a load of pollen
Beth_Kin: Native bee and honey bees on Dasypogon flower
Beth_Kin: Orange fore and aft
Beth_Kin: Short Orange bum bee on Dasypogon, Male megachile. Eutricharaea chrysopyga.
Beth_Kin: Orange bum bee with shorter abdomen.
Beth_Kin: A Blue Banded Native Bee.
Beth_Kin: A tiny black native bee
Beth_Kin: Pollen baskets almost full
Beth_Kin: Native Bee with orange abdomen on Daviesia triflora flower.
Beth_Kin: Native bee collecting pollen
Beth_Kin: Native bee on salmon pink stylidium
Beth_Kin: Native bee emerging from Hemiandra flower
Beth_Kin: Diving in for nectar
Beth_Kin: Filling the pollen baskets
Beth_Kin: Dusted with Daisy pollen
Beth_Kin: Blue banded bees clamping onto a grass stem
Beth_Kin: Blue Banded Bees settling in to roost
Beth_Kin: Three sleeping Blue Banded Bees
Beth_Kin: Native bee on Daisy 03
Beth_Kin: Native bee on Daisy 02
Beth_Kin: Native bee on Daisy 01
Beth_Kin: Native bee Megachile chrysopyga
Beth_Kin: Native bee apartments
Beth_Kin: Tattered wings
Beth_Kin: Native bee visiting Philotheca spicata flowers
Beth_Kin: Native bee collecting pollen from Petrophile striata flowers
Beth_Kin: Native bee dusted with pollen
Beth_Kin: Native bee on red poker bloom
Beth_Kin: Native bee on eucalypt flower
Beth_Kin: Another native bee in a yellow eaucalypt flower