Beth_Kin: 11 I am so pretty now! Harmonia conformis.
Beth_Kin: Ladybird, Harmonia conformis larvae.
Beth_Kin: Ladybird, Harmonia conformis pupa.
Beth_Kin: Ladybird, Harmonia conformis emerging from pupa. 6.18pm
Beth_Kin: Ladybird, Harmonia conformis breaking free. 6.18pm
Beth_Kin: 5 Completely free from pupa, Harmonia conformis ladybird. 6.20pm
Beth_Kin: 6 Harmonia conformis resting on pupa case. 6.25pm
Beth_Kin: 7 Harmonia conformis flexing new wings. 6.57pm
Beth_Kin: 8 Harmonia conformis spots beginning to show. 7.03pm
Beth_Kin: 9 Harmonia conformis elytra spots darkening. 8.26pm
Beth_Kin: 10 Harmonia conformis almost fully coloured. 9.42pm
Beth_Kin: Amourous beetles
Beth_Kin: Photo 1 Ladybird parents.
Beth_Kin: Photo 2 Newly laid ladybird eggs
Beth_Kin: Photo 3 Larva developing inside the ladybird eggs.
Beth_Kin: Photo 4 Harmonia conformis larva hatching
Beth_Kin: Photo 5 Ladybird larva siiting on eggshells
Beth_Kin: Photo 6 Dispersal
Beth_Kin: Photo 7 In The LIfe Cycle of a Ladybird. Larger ladybird larva hunting prey
Beth_Kin: Photo 8 In The Life Cycle of a ladybird. Ladybird larva attached to a leaf.
Beth_Kin: Photo 9 In The Life Cycle of a Ladybird. Ladybird larva skin splitting and pupa erupting
Beth_Kin: Photo 10 Life cycle of a ladybird.Metamorphosis period between larva and pupa.
Beth_Kin: Photo 11 Ladybird pupa emerging from larva skin
Beth_Kin: Photo 12 in the life cycle of a ladybird. Pupa of a ladybird
Beth_Kin: Photo 13 in the Life Cycle of a Ladybird. Stretching out of the larva skin
Beth_Kin: Photo 14 in the Life Cycle of a Ladybird. Pupa beginning to change colour and form
Beth_Kin: Photo 15 In the Life Cycle of a Ladybird. Transition from larva to pupa.
Beth_Kin: Photo 16 in the Life Cycle of a ladybird. Pupa from above
Beth_Kin: Photo 17 Ladybird pupa in full livery
Beth_Kin: Photo 18 New adult ladybird sitting on the pupa case.