Beth_Kin: Pied stilts
Beth_Kin: Grey duck Anas superciliosa
Beth_Kin: I spy with my little eye
Beth_Kin: Scare a bug my way please!
Beth_Kin: Willy wagtail,Rhipidura leucophrys
Beth_Kin: Any chippees today ?
Beth_Kin: Now which part of this lake will I fish in next?
Beth_Kin: Hello neighbor
Beth_Kin: I'm so pretty
Beth_Kin: Raucus warble
Beth_Kin: Floating Feather .
Beth_Kin: Ah, That feels better,that was a great bath
Beth_Kin: Splishing and splashing
Beth_Kin: Checking the nest hole.
Beth_Kin: Mudlark
Beth_Kin: Friendly local
Beth_Kin: Gobbling the Greenery
Beth_Kin: Butcher bird. (Cracticus torquatus)
Beth_Kin: Butcher bird giving me the eye. (Cracticus torquatus)
Beth_Kin: Taking a bow
Beth_Kin: Morning stretch
Beth_Kin: Morning munch time
Beth_Kin: Galah
Beth_Kin: Feeding the ferals
Beth_Kin: Long Billed Corella (Cacatua tenuirostis)
Beth_Kin: Dove in the bird bath
Beth_Kin: Wattle bird, Anthochaera carunculata.
Beth_Kin: A young magpie, Gymnorhina tibicen dorsalis.
Beth_Kin: The sultanas were yummy
Beth_Kin: Seagull