Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 064 MSH84_fireweed_on_harrys_ridge_with_spirit_lake_09-04-84_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 034ash covered sign_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 606 Mt St Helens NVM, ash covered landscape
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 800604-2-17 Blowdown, Mount St Helens, May 1980 - Hughes
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 011first eruption_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 130 MSH steaming000_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 026 Mt St Helens Lake one month after eruption, June 19, 1980
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 050MSH82_lahar_from_march_82_eruption_03-21-82_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 086 MSH institute slide show030
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 128 Heat blast zone Coldwater Lake, Mt St Helens
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 129 MSH institute slide show016
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: Researcher in MSH blast zone.jpg
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 393 Devastated area after Mt St Helens eruption 1984
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 026the eruption_mount_st_helens_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: Gifford Pinchot National Forest, pre-1980 eruption Spirit Lake, Harmony Falls
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 055MSH82_st_helens_spirit_lake_reflection_05-19-82_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 048A MSH81_debris_aval_colorful_ponds_08-04-81_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 005Spirit Lake pre _resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 112 President Carter, Governor of Washington State Dixie Lee get volcano briefing
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 070 snags and grass_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 389 end of Spirit Lake Highway after May 18th eruption
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 077 MSH institute slide show021
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 088 MSH institute slide show025
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 040jackstrawed timber_resize
Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region: 019MSH eruption002_resize