The Forest History Society: CCC planting crew.
The Forest History Society: CCC enrollees are trained on the job.
The Forest History Society: CCC crew building wing deflector for spawning.
The Forest History Society: Young CCC enrollees at Chittenden.
The Forest History Society: Lt. Fred L. Baker modeling new CCC uniform.
The Forest History Society: Teaching CCC workers basic forestry.
The Forest History Society: Showing stripes.
The Forest History Society: Reveille, Mormon Creek CCC Camp.
The Forest History Society: CCC crew at work building firebreak.
The Forest History Society: Camp library and reading room.
The Forest History Society: CCC enrollee getting water.
The Forest History Society: Entrance sign at CCC Camp F-7.
The Forest History Society: Enrollee sitting next to Camp White River sign.
The Forest History Society: CCC crew planting trees.
The Forest History Society: CCC enrollees building stone retaining wall.
The Forest History Society: CCC crew constructing telephone lines.
The Forest History Society: Work call and line-up and roll call.
The Forest History Society: Enrollees receive instructions.
The Forest History Society: CCC bridge crew.
The Forest History Society: Enrollee measuring the height of tree.
The Forest History Society: Enrollee working on fireplace.
The Forest History Society: CCC enrollees landscaping.
The Forest History Society: Mormon Creek CCC Camp.
The Forest History Society: CCC timber survey.
The Forest History Society: Ice cutting at Loleta Forest Camp.
The Forest History Society: CCC men constructing fire tower.
The Forest History Society: Wood cutting detail at Camp 9.
The Forest History Society: Stream improvement at Bear Creek.
The Forest History Society: 1000 bushels of jack pine cones.