Forest Pines: Kim, reading
Forest Pines: Kim, reading
Forest Pines: Kim, reading
Forest Pines: Kim, reading
Forest Pines: Kim, Pickering station
Forest Pines: Kim, resting on the Abbey steps
Forest Pines: Kim, sitting on a stile
Forest Pines: Kim isn't looking at the camera
Forest Pines: Kilburn White Horse
Forest Pines: People watching the river, Richmond
Forest Pines: Kim, sitting on a train
Forest Pines: Kim cooking
Forest Pines: Kim cooking
Forest Pines: Kim cooking
Forest Pines: Kim cooking
Forest Pines: Kim's kitchen
Forest Pines: Kim cooking
Forest Pines: Kim cooking
Forest Pines: Kim cooking
Forest Pines: Kim, cooking
Forest Pines: Kim, cooking