Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Foreign Office
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Argentina: John Freeman
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Barbados: Paul Brummell
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Belize: Pat Ashworth
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Bolivia: Ross Denny
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Brazil: Alan Charlton
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
British Virgin Islands: Boyd McCleary
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Canada: Corin Robertson
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Cayman Islands: Duncan Taylor
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Chile: Jon Benjamin
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Colombia: Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Costa Rica: Chris and Sharon Campbell
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Cuba: Timothy Cole
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Ecuador: Patrick Mullee
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
El Salvador: Linda Cross
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Guatemala: Sarah Dickson
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Guyana: Andrew Ayre
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Mexico: Judith Macgregor
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Peru: James Dauris
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Turk and Caicos Islands: Damian Roderic Todd
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
United Nations: Mark Lyall Grant
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
United States of America: Peter Westmacott
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office:
Uruguay: Ben Lyster Binns