Ford Asia Pacific:
The star
Ford Asia Pacific:
Beauty Crown Centre-The Launch Place of New Ford Fiesta 美丽之冠
Ford Asia Pacific:
Born to WOW You
Ford Asia Pacific:
Toast for a Successful Launch 预祝新福特嘉年华成功上市
Ford Asia Pacific:
Night View of the Launch Place
Ford Asia Pacific:
The Stage 后现代主义风格的舞台
Ford Asia Pacific:
The Stage 舞台流光溢彩
Ford Asia Pacific:
Be Bold, Be Sexy
Ford Asia Pacific:
Be Bold, Be Sexy
Ford Asia Pacific:
Born To WOW You 新福特嘉年华惊艳上市
Ford Asia Pacific:
The Star Coming 聚焦嘉年华
Ford Asia Pacific:
The Charming Eye 美女的眼睛
Ford Asia Pacific:
Global Debut of New Ford Fiesta Sedan 新福特嘉年华三厢全球首发