footloosiety: Prepping the camera and gps for syncronization
footloosiety: This bridge had a serious upgrade from our last time on it..
footloosiety: The beginning of the vistas, however, we had been here before..
footloosiety: One of the first vistas we saw (the only one before we had to turn back last time)
footloosiety: Vista 2 - the first great view (and later we found, one of the only remaining great vistas of the 'Diez')
footloosiety: In uncharted territory (for us) at Vista 3...hold your breath!
footloosiety: Wha? It was a little overgrown...oh well, 7 more to see
footloosiety: The Vista 4 sign has seen better days
footloosiety: But the view was great...maybe better than 2 even
footloosiety: But less places to sit and admire it, so we moved on.
footloosiety: Pausing to examine a sappy tree
footloosiety: Vista 5 mustnt have been too spectacular, because we walked right by it, and wound up pausing here for a snack
footloosiety: At what we later saw was Vista 6
footloosiety: Heading down some switchbacks
footloosiety: Dammit, we walked right by another one I guess
footloosiety: Vista 8 in all its overgrown glory.
footloosiety: As great as 8 was, V9 surpassed it
footloosiety: ...Queue awesome music now.....
footloosiety: Completing the Vista trail as best we could, we arrived at #10...which, like many others, probably might have been a nice view when the signs were put there 20 years ago
footloosiety: Not that I would condone topping these giants for a view though.
footloosiety: A nice WCT-inspired path
footloosiety: A dried fern provided the photo ops that the Vistas could not
footloosiety: You might forget that this is BC Hydro land until you near the end.
footloosiety: They DO NOT want you to climb this tower.
footloosiety: Not sure what this was, some old control station I guess
footloosiety: Water flow being diverted for power supply
footloosiety: What we learned from the beavers.
footloosiety: Ohhh, almost a decent fall colors shot...nothing like I could be getting in Northern Ontario now, but Im not complaining
footloosiety: Trying out the on-camera flash here.
footloosiety: Enjoying the view across Buntzen Lake