footleg: Part Way Down the Entrance Shaft
footleg: Scaffolded Entrance Shaft
footleg: Scaffolded Entrance Shaft 2
footleg: Main Stream Passage
footleg: Formations in Main Stream Passage
footleg: Sword of Damocles in Main Stream Passage
footleg: Formations in Main Stream Passage
footleg: Curtain in Curry Inlet 2
footleg: Curtain in Curry Inlet
footleg: Flowstone in Curry Inlet
footleg: Curtain and Stalagmite
footleg: Black and White Striped Curtain
footleg: Trou du Vent Entrance Crawl
footleg: Trou Mile Last Pitch
footleg: Trou Mile Climb
footleg: Trou Mile Pool
footleg: Old Sump?
footleg: Maillon Manquant Fossil Stals
footleg: Streamway in Gouffre Raymonde
footleg: Gouffre Raymonde 2nd Pitch
footleg: Wet Pitch in Gouffre Raymonde
footleg: Millipede in the Trou Mile
footleg: Trou du Vent Entrance
footleg: Trou du Vent 3rd Pitch
footleg: Spider in the Trou du Vent
footleg: Grand Salle de Trou du Vent
footleg: Maillon Manquant Sediment Bank
footleg: Salle du Bivouac
footleg: Rigging in the Gouffre Raymonde
footleg: Matienzo Depression Panorama