Foothill Ranch: kacia with yosemite falls in the background
Foothill Ranch: Loomis Camp with the best view
Foothill Ranch: steve contemplating the beauty of nature
Foothill Ranch: taryn our leader and wonderful cook
Foothill Ranch: loomis camp where we enjoyed the views
Foothill Ranch: steve as tall as a tree
Foothill Ranch: taryn our camping trip organizer
Foothill Ranch: steve and kacia standing tall like a tree
Foothill Ranch: kacia helpin steve with his hat
Foothill Ranch: chilling at the camp looking at the stunning view of Yosemite Falls
Foothill Ranch: steve enjoying an amazing pancake breakfast
Foothill Ranch: kyan balancing over the river like a pro
Foothill Ranch: keeping kacia from falling in the river isn't easy
Foothill Ranch: taryn teaching kacia some log jumping skillz
Foothill Ranch: ummm....chocolate...marshmellow....
Foothill Ranch: "umm...chocolate...I want more chocolate"...say kacia
Foothill Ranch: kacia licking some marshmellow's off her finger
Foothill Ranch: kacia enjoying her favorite camping desert
Foothill Ranch: staying warm by the fire
Foothill Ranch: awww...what a cute couple they make
Foothill Ranch: walker crew getting their smore on
Foothill Ranch: grandma and kaica log jumping
Foothill Ranch: kacia jumping off the log, over and over and over
Foothill Ranch: what adorable kids
Foothill Ranch: log jumping kacia
Foothill Ranch: aww...kyan and mommy
Foothill Ranch: the walker clan
Foothill Ranch: Yosemite Falls from Loomis Camp
Foothill Ranch: lower yosemite falls
Foothill Ranch: the 2008 yosemite crew