Foothill Ranch: seattle fish market
Foothill Ranch: pikes market
Foothill Ranch: seattle fish market - Pikes Market
Foothill Ranch: a passing inter-island ferry
Foothill Ranch: what a great sign
Foothill Ranch: where we park our ferry....
Foothill Ranch: chilln on our island tours
Foothill Ranch: kyan and mommy
Foothill Ranch: kacia on the ferry
Foothill Ranch: kacia bird with a runny nose
Foothill Ranch: our front yard
Foothill Ranch: our beautiful house
Foothill Ranch: playing in our backyard
Foothill Ranch: a local lawn rabbit
Foothill Ranch: kyan feeding the local wild rabbits
Foothill Ranch: on a morning walk at our beach
Foothill Ranch: an eagle having breakfast
Foothill Ranch: morning beach walk
Foothill Ranch: kyan's little crab friend
Foothill Ranch: kyans new otter helped collect the stones
Foothill Ranch: daddy balancing stones
Foothill Ranch: daddy and the kids at our beach
Foothill Ranch: mommy and kyan making crafts in the evening
Foothill Ranch: things mommy made for kyan
Foothill Ranch: kacia bird
Foothill Ranch: yummm....smores
Foothill Ranch: yummm smores
Foothill Ranch: kacia trying to remember the order in which to make her smore
Foothill Ranch: yummm smores
Foothill Ranch: loving the camp fire smore experience