Footguy00: Hekyll and Jekyll
Footguy00: A murder of crows
Footguy00: Buddies
Footguy00: Are you lookin at me?
Footguy00: Stool Pigeon
Footguy00: I even crack horses up!
Footguy00: Palomino
Footguy00: Tautphus Park Camels
Footguy00: Yeti Sighting In Idaho Falls
Footguy00: They are Freakin Everywhere!
Footguy00: Bird on a wire.
Footguy00: In Flight
Footguy00: The Joker
Footguy00: Bald Eagle Along the Lemhi
Footguy00: The Herd
Footguy00: Raptor in flight
Footguy00: Roadkill
Footguy00: Dine and Dash!
Footguy00: Stalking from the Sky
Footguy00: Hawk heading away.
Footguy00: White Wing
Footguy00: Bald Eagle in Trees
Footguy00: Rough Legged hawk
Footguy00: Last Hawk of the Day!
Footguy00: They love the powerlines!
Footguy00: Cropped down bald eagle in flight
Footguy00: Pair of Sparrows
Footguy00: Fat Sparrow!
Footguy00: Prairie Dog
Footguy00: Nice Marmot!