Harald H. (fools4tress): concrete square
Harald H. (fools4tress): circles and layers
Harald H. (fools4tress): pylons, buildings, tracks and PENG
Harald H. (fools4tress): light abstracts @ FRA
Harald H. (fools4tress): cable lamp and fog
Harald H. (fools4tress): light the bridge gap
Harald H. (fools4tress): opposite reflections
Harald H. (fools4tress): roof hatch, window and bricks
Harald H. (fools4tress): Searching The Way
Harald H. (fools4tress): #dailyfoolsphoto No. 190
Harald H. (fools4tress): Tower Bridge Shadows
Harald H. (fools4tress): Sternschnuppenmarkt 2014_1