Harald H. (fools4tress): pylons, buildings, tracks and PENG
Harald H. (fools4tress): tilted reflection
Harald H. (fools4tress): dusk at the track field
Harald H. (fools4tress): blue hour - wired and tracked
Harald H. (fools4tress): red green blue - repeat
Harald H. (fools4tress): underground concept
Harald H. (fools4tress): out of the dark
Harald H. (fools4tress): arches and flowers
Harald H. (fools4tress): moving windows
Harald H. (fools4tress): the way to escalate
Harald H. (fools4tress): next stop bundestag
Harald H. (fools4tress): air rail transit
Harald H. (fools4tress): Red SOS B Level
Harald H. (fools4tress): Frankfurt Up VI
Harald H. (fools4tress): Frankfurt Up I
Harald H. (fools4tress): Vorsicht bei der Einfahrt (black & white)
Harald H. (fools4tress): blue tunnel art
Harald H. (fools4tress): #dailyfoolsphoto No. 129
Harald H. (fools4tress): #dailyfoolsphoto No. 135
Harald H. (fools4tress): #dailyfoolsphoto No. 99