Harald H. (fools4tress): sleepy cup of gold
Harald H. (fools4tress): kinds of light
Harald H. (fools4tress): taking off to mammatus
Harald H. (fools4tress): ice and wood II
Harald H. (fools4tress): ice and wood I
Harald H. (fools4tress): a piece of sun
Harald H. (fools4tress): dilly dilly (I O U for your love)
Harald H. (fools4tress): drops on funkia leaf I
Harald H. (fools4tress): after the rain
Harald H. (fools4tress): reminiscence of last year
Harald H. (fools4tress): ice and snow collage 2
Harald H. (fools4tress): white star cover
Harald H. (fools4tress): ice crystals in the grass
Harald H. (fools4tress): Altweibersommer
Harald H. (fools4tress): dew drops on green
Harald H. (fools4tress): Even when everything is grey, there is beauty.
Harald H. (fools4tress): leftover in the void (gallimaufry effects)