FoodishFetish: Shake Shack at Madison Square Park Night
FoodishFetish: Lights at Shake Shack New York
FoodishFetish: Waiting for the food at Shake Shack
FoodishFetish: Burgers and fries
FoodishFetish: Shack Burger
FoodishFetish: Shack burger innards
FoodishFetish: 'Shroom Burger
FoodishFetish: Shack stacks and shakes
FoodishFetish: Shack Stack
FoodishFetish: Shack Stack
FoodishFetish: Shack Stack innards
FoodishFetish: Shake Shack's long line
FoodishFetish: Vanilla and Strawberry Shakes
FoodishFetish: Shack Stack
FoodishFetish: Shack Stack innards
FoodishFetish: Squirrels!
FoodishFetish: Squirrel in action at Shake Shack