foodieSarah: You may kiss the bride!
foodieSarah: Bride and groom pushed into the swimming pool
foodieSarah: Bride and bridesmaids (and custard pie posie)
foodieSarah: Groom and best men
foodieSarah: A Buddhist chant marks the moment
foodieSarah: Best men
foodieSarah: Niece poses for proud aunty!
foodieSarah: The mother of the bride (together with singers of the family)
foodieSarah: Mother of the groom (post custard pie surprise!)
foodieSarah: Groom and mother share some custard pie
foodieSarah: Concentration for the cake cutting
foodieSarah: Filming of the ex-inlaws
foodieSarah: Stripy girls at a wedding
foodieSarah: Our great hosts
foodieSarah: Swimming bride and groom
foodieSarah: Cutting the wedding cake