foodieSarah: Captured: That fabled shrink-wrapped journalist!
foodieSarah: Big Society, little seating space
foodieSarah: Mingling
foodieSarah: View from the Ofcom offices
foodieSarah: Listening
foodieSarah: Laptops at the ready!
foodieSarah: Ideas for the sessions
foodieSarah: Touch down centre?
foodieSarah: Great River Race
foodieSarah: Great River Race
foodieSarah: Londonist explained
foodieSarah: Londonist's handdrawn maps
foodieSarah: Harringay's Ning
foodieSarah: Getting started
foodieSarah: Environmentally aware Ofcom
foodieSarah: Notebook and pen or ipad
foodieSarah: Slide from the session on big media/little media