foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 1 - from the corner plot
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 2
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 4 - Pistachio and Walnut Breads
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 3 - Appetiser
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 6 - Sautéed Bere Island King Scallop
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 5 - Sautéed Bere Island King Scallop
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 7 - Magret of Goose
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 8 - Magret of Goose
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 9 - Magret of Goose
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 10 - Magret of Goose
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 11 - Apple Tarlet
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 12 - Petit fours
foodbymark: Thorntons Restaurant - 13 - Petit fours