Fonzmom: The Little Girl Formerly Known as Pirate Hat, wearing her Pirate Hat on the way to shul on Friday night.
Fonzmom: Sydney plays with her cereal while Grandpa and Mommy try to make sure she eats some of it.
Fonzmom: Smiling with a mouthful.
Fonzmom: Looks like a disaster waiting to happen.
Fonzmom: All clear. Kind of.
Fonzmom: Hi,Grandma! Take my picture!
Fonzmom: Toy time. Where are my keys?
Fonzmom: Found 'em. Just in time for a snack.
Fonzmom: I dare you to come down here and play with me!
Fonzmom: Hmmm. what was I thinking about? Oh, sucking on my finger.
Fonzmom: Bungie ride with Grandpa!
Fonzmom: Matthew and Lauren get ready to take Sydney away from us. Boo!
Fonzmom: Crazy faces on everyone but Sydney. She's looking at Fonzie.
Fonzmom: Sydney is tired of all these pictures.