Fonzmom: Part of the Pet Friendly Menu
Fonzmom: More Menu
Fonzmom: How Pet Friendly Are You?
Fonzmom: Quincy Market
Fonzmom: Heads of spectators
Fonzmom: Mike's Pastry's Gelato Case
Fonzmom: Mike's Pastry's Gelato Case 2
Fonzmom: Serving the Masses
Fonzmom: Sunset from Room 1206 Nine Zero Hotel
Fonzmom: Color was really better than this.
Fonzmom: Birthday Goodies
Fonzmom: Allan Opens His Birthday Card
Fonzmom: See?
Fonzmom: The Fuzzy throw at the end of the bed
Fonzmom: Our Overnight Buddy Finnway
Fonzmom: Building across from us
Fonzmom: IMG_6898
Fonzmom: IMG_6899
Fonzmom: IMG_6900
Fonzmom: IMG_6901
Fonzmom: Toward the State House
Fonzmom: Top of the Custom House
Fonzmom: Over the Water
Fonzmom: Across the water
Fonzmom: IMG_6906
Fonzmom: The Greenway
Fonzmom: Looking North
Fonzmom: Zoomed in on the Bridge
Fonzmom: Towards Bunker Hill Monument
Fonzmom: Lamps and Welcome