Fonzmom: Approaching West Acton
Fonzmom: Big Fire Guy
Fonzmom: Fire Trucks and Big Fire Guy
Fonzmom: PICT6967.JPG
Fonzmom: Sheep!
Fonzmom: PICT6970.JPG
Fonzmom: Promoting the high school production of Peter Pan
Fonzmom: Yarrrgh!
Fonzmom: Goats
Fonzmom: Boy with a chicken
Fonzmom: Goats and kids
Fonzmom: Waiting to put out a fire
Fonzmom: Hosing down a fire
Fonzmom: PICT6979.JPG
Fonzmom: Getting help putting out the fire.
Fonzmom: PICT6981.JPG
Fonzmom: Flag on the ladder
Fonzmom: Steeple from Theater III
Fonzmom: PICT6984.JPG
Fonzmom: Steeple and Flag
Fonzmom: Beautiful color
Fonzmom: Flowers
Fonzmom: Flower
Fonzmom: Looking down the river
Fonzmom: Red, red rose
Fonzmom: Rose and shadows
Fonzmom: Beaver work.
Fonzmom: Reflecions
Fonzmom: Beavers in the neighborhood
Fonzmom: Foofy grass