Fonzmom: Kathy gets into the hot jellies!
Fonzmom: Beautiful bouquets
Fonzmom: Flash on bouquet
Fonzmom: Without flash
Fonzmom: Longer shot
Fonzmom: DSCN3614.JPG
Fonzmom: Asian Eggplants
Fonzmom: Eggplants
Fonzmom: Kohlrabi of many colors
Fonzmom: Kathy fights vampires
Fonzmom: Fresh eggs
Fonzmom: Beets
Fonzmom: Peppers
Fonzmom: Eggplants
Fonzmom: Makings of ratatouille or caponata
Fonzmom: Apples
Fonzmom: Box o apples
Fonzmom: Selling apples
Fonzmom: Asters
Fonzmom: Asters
Fonzmom: Heirloom tomatoes
Fonzmom: Little tomatoes.
Fonzmom: Lemon pickles!
Fonzmom: Kathy spends her last pennies.