Fonzmom: Historic lady reading Smithsonian Magazine
Fonzmom: Looking towards Mrs. Trimmer's Restaurant
Fonzmom: Big Beautiful Tree
Fonzmom: Agave Fruit
Fonzmom: Fruit of the Agave Plant
Fonzmom: People pointing to the Agave Fruit.
Fonzmom: Palm Tree
Fonzmom: Palm Tree
Fonzmom: Family learns about founding of San Diego
Fonzmom: Loom
Fonzmom: Wagon Full of Toys
Fonzmom: Lauren learns about the Old Town Garden
Fonzmom: Not sure what's happening here.
Fonzmom: Cactus Graffiti
Fonzmom: Garden
Fonzmom: Dill flowers
Fonzmom: Crazy Cactus
Fonzmom: Edible cactus
Fonzmom: Red dye on his fingers
Fonzmom: long beans
Fonzmom: Great agave
Fonzmom: So well wrapped
Fonzmom: DSCN2890
Fonzmom: Dew on the agave
Fonzmom: Yellow flowers
Fonzmom: Yellow Flowers closer
Fonzmom: Cactus Fruit
Fonzmom: DSCN2895
Fonzmom: DSCN2896
Fonzmom: Only tough spiders build webs here.