Fonzmom: Right above the dug out
Fonzmom: Some baseball going on.
Fonzmom: Staff standing around
Fonzmom: Puffy clouds
Fonzmom: Baseball players getting ready for game
Fonzmom: Not quite a sell out.
Fonzmom: Those are Canalagators.
Fonzmom: The Happy Cam?
Fonzmom: I don't think the game has started yet.
Fonzmom: Milling around.
Fonzmom: If her shirt was to be believed, that little girl is David Ortiz.
Fonzmom: Clouds and blue.
Fonzmom: DSCN2618
Fonzmom: Mystery photo.
Fonzmom: I missed his feet in the air as the sped down the stairs.
Fonzmom: But everyone appreciated his talents.
Fonzmom: Sumo Wrestlers
Fonzmom: They took turns flopping on each other.
Fonzmom: It was a tie!
Fonzmom: See the bear and the Canaligator?
Fonzmom: They're racing around the bases against that tiny little boy.
Fonzmom: Me and a Canaligator
Fonzmom: Brushy runs the bases.
Fonzmom: Brushy gets down.
Fonzmom: You go, Brushy!
Fonzmom: Blue Dog Group
Fonzmom: Second appearance of Blue Dog Group.
Fonzmom: The dog was great at catching.
Fonzmom: Got it!
Fonzmom: A second dog gets into the act.