fonticulus: Looking like a teenager in his hoodie
fonticulus: Posing for his boardroom photo
fonticulus: Bumbo time!
fonticulus: Laughing at Daddy
fonticulus: Watching the Blues Brothers
fonticulus: Christmas family portrait
fonticulus: Playing with new presents
fonticulus: Christmas
fonticulus: First walk on the beach
fonticulus: First walk on the beach
fonticulus: Keeping a serious eye on you, mister
fonticulus: First walk on the beach
fonticulus: First walk on the beach
fonticulus: First walk on the beach, family portrait
fonticulus: First walk on the beach, family portrait
fonticulus: Love
fonticulus: Just chillin'
fonticulus: With Mama
fonticulus: 3 months old today
fonticulus: Artsy feet
fonticulus: 3 months old today
fonticulus: Eating the fist (my new trick!)
fonticulus: 3 months old