fonticulus: Blackberry Peach Cobbler
fonticulus: Golden Nugget Squash
fonticulus: Roasted Three Pepper Golden Nugget Squash Soup!
fonticulus: Roasted Three Pepper Golden Nugget Squash Soup!
fonticulus: Roast pork with sweet potatoes
fonticulus: Festive chicken salad
fonticulus: Chicken noodle soup
fonticulus: Chicken noodle soup
fonticulus: Steak with smoked bleu cheese and sauteed mushrooms
fonticulus: Brown rice "pancakes"
fonticulus: Buffaloaf!
fonticulus: Most American looking meal I have ever made
fonticulus: Most American looking meal I have ever made
fonticulus: "Pumpkin" "pie"
fonticulus: One more salad pic.
fonticulus: Salad - with avocado
fonticulus: Close-up of the salad - Jalapenos!
fonticulus: Spicy Chicken Salad
fonticulus: Valentine's Day Dinner: Shrimp over Polenta Hearts
fonticulus: Valentine's Day Dinner: Shrimp over Polenta Hearts
fonticulus: Bagel Club Dog