fondofsnape: Aveda thé (4/18)
fondofsnape: branch (4/17)
fondofsnape: knot (4/16)
fondofsnape: New Zealand fishhook necklace (4/15)
fondofsnape: Max (4/14)
fondofsnape: falling down (4/13)
fondofsnape: Wolf doesn't like storms (4/12)
fondofsnape: beer (4/11)
fondofsnape: pen holder (4/10)
fondofsnape: breakfast (4/9)
fondofsnape: Skelly and Sakura are in the bag (4/8)
fondofsnape: catering tent and star trailers (4/7)
fondofsnape: Skelly likes the windowsill wind chimes (4/6)
fondofsnape: living room bookshelf - mine (4/5)
fondofsnape: the blurry effin' triangle (4/4)
fondofsnape: frito (4/3)
fondofsnape: blueblueblue! (4/2)
fondofsnape: famous amos cookie (4/1)
fondofsnape: Skelly's close call (3/31)
fondofsnape: breathe (3/30)
fondofsnape: yawwwwwwn (3/29)
fondofsnape: oh, the pain, the pain! (3/28)
fondofsnape: pirate bear (3/27)
fondofsnape: field of peas (3/26)
fondofsnape: African violets (3/25)
fondofsnape: tulips in the window (3/24)
fondofsnape: letter to John (3/23)
fondofsnape: mmmm bacon (3/22)
fondofsnape: I totally do not remember taking this picture! (3/21)
fondofsnape: the world fascinates me (3/20)